jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Oaxaca, la tierra del mezcal

Considerada como una de las ciudades con más especialidades gastrónomicos, posedora de una de las pocas playas nudistas del país.
Oaxaca, Tierra de tradiciones, Tierra del mezcal, lugar de la sierra madre occidental.

Cozumel, la isla de las golondrinas

Mejor conocida como la Isla de las Golondrinas debido al regalo que les fue concedido a los mayas por la Diosa Ixchel al llevarle ofrendas aquí lels presento un recorrido de la Isla más grande de México.

Quintana Roo

Sin lugar a dudas este Estado cuenta con las regiones más hermosas y turisticas de todo el país aquí se encuentra la cuna de la civilización Maya así como una de las maravillas modernas del mundo.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Ciudad de Mexico de noche

La ciudad de México una de las mas grandes y hermosas del mundo, pero de hecho es aún más sus calles y su gente se transforma.

Puebla la Ciudad de los Angeles

Localizada a solo dos horas de la Capital de México rodeada por cuatro de los volcanes más famosos de México, de estilo barroco y de una historia de las más enriquecidas. Capital del Mole y de las igleias.
Trazada por los mismos ángeles y fundada por el obispo Julián Garcés en 1531.

Imagenes de las mejores Playas de México

Aquí te presento las mejores playas de México para el mundo.

Renta una casa Vacacional.

En la actualidad está disponible una nueva opción para todos aquellos que disfrutan de viajar y conocer los mejores destinos internacionales como Cancún, Los Cabos o cualquier otro que se encuentre en México.
Y es la renta de propiedades vacacionales. Está es una excelente idea para disfrutar de tu viaje.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Las playas mas bellas del mundo

Sin lugar a duda, los mejores destinos para vacacionar son las playas, aquí les presento las mejores playas del mundo por travel channel. 

El dulce calor que nos hace sudar, la suave y calida arena que recorre nuestros dedos, la briza marina que refresca nuestro cabello, el sonido de las olas. 

Esto es lo que nos ofrecen las mejores playas del mundo. Aquí les presento 22 de estas.

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

La Tecnologia en los viajes

Los nuevos viajeros  utilizan dispostivos de alta tecnología, y con frecuencia toman sus decisiones en las reseñas que otros viajeros modernos hagan con sus dispositivos, para esto requieren de una conexión Wi-Fi, aunque con las nuevas tendencias se hace uso de las conexiones inalambricas que te permiten permanecer conectado en cualquier parte y a cualquier hora.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Pueblos Mágicos en México

El Programa Pueblos Mágicos, es un proyecto desarrollado por la Secretaría de Turismo  Mexicano, con el fin de revalorar al conjunto de poblaciones que siempre han tenido relevancia dentro de la nación y hacía el exterior. Estas poblaciones son representaciones de lo mejor de la geografía mexicana y que además han sabido conservar su riqueza cultural e histórica.


Tequila Nectar del Dios Azteca

El “tequila” es un aguardiente que se elabora en una pequeña región del occidente de México, mediante la destilación del mosto fermentado que se obtiene del corazón de una planta conocida como agave azul. A este corazón, semejante a una gigantesca piña, se le denomina también “mezcal”, que en náhuatl puede significar “casa de la luna” (meollo, esencia), o bien “lo cocido”.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Acapulco, la ciudad olvidada.

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Hace poco, viaje a la famosa Bahía de Acapulco, Guerrero, tan golpeada últimante por la ola desencadenada del violencia que se vive en México.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Puerto Morelos, oasis en el paraíso

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En la brecha que existe entre Cancún y Playa del Carmen, se encuentra este pequeño oasis llamado Puerto Morelos, antiguo  pueblo de pescadores que mira hacia el mar Caribe y no solo eso, si no también hacia el Gran Arrecife Maya, catalogado como el segundo arrecife más grande del mundo y Reserva Natural protegida.
Una gran diferencia entre las demás ciudades como Cancún y Playa del Carmen, es que aquí las playas han crecido casi 10 metros de manera natural.

Para aquellas personas que disfrutan del sonido del mar y la paz que ofrecen las playas, este es el destino ideal, pues debido a que es un parque nacional no se permite ningún tipo de vehículo con motor dentro del mar. Por lo mismo, los visitantes pueden nadar sin temor al igual de que no existe ni ruido que no sea natural ni olores desagradables.

Solo brisa, mar sol y arena, aún así puedes disfrutar del buceo, esnorqueleo, kayak’s y el favorito de muchos el windsurf. Además este puerto se encuentra dentro de la ruta de los Cenotes.

El pueblo está compuesto por casas de playa y hoteles boutique, lujosos que van desde 1 estrella hasta 5 diamantes.

La comida en la zona es variada y tradicional de Yucatán, aunque para los turistas las opciones no son muy variadas, porque la mayoría de los restaurantes son para la gente local, algunos de los mejores son en mi opinión: John Gray’s Kitchen, La Suegra de John Gray, Hola Asia, Pelícano’s.

A partir de ahora posteare en Español

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Cancun Travel

Cancun basically has two zones, the Downtown Cancun and of course the Hotel Zone. Downtown Cancun is full of budget tourists, students etc, whereas the Hotel Zone has very luxurious and huge 5 star hotels and up market resorts.

The hotel zone is a small strip of land in the form of the number 7 which is connected to the main land on both edges. The downtown Cancun is safe, and you Cancun travel is possible easily by taking the local transports.

All hotels have tourist information and there is a Tourism Office in Cancun which has helpful staff that will guide you well. This is by and large a safe city and you can explore it on your own. The distances between the Hotel Zone and Downtown Cancun are not possible to cover by walking. You will definitely need to travel the Cancun City using the bus service or the taxi service.

This is the most easy and convenient way to travel in and around Cancun . Just board a bus and buy a ticket. All tickets are at the same price, no matter where you boarded the bus and where you will get down. There are plenty of interesting places to explore Cancun and the bus can take you there. The bus station is located in Downtown Cancun. There are buses that take you to Playa Del Carmen from where you can take the ferry to Cozumel which offers snorkeling and diving. Buses go up to Tulum where there are Mayan ruins.

To travel in Cancun by bus, you can purchase your tickets from Cancun bus terminal. The bus service is excellent with buses playing every ten or fifteen minutes.

Taxis are cheerfully painted green and white. They may not be the cheapest way to travel in Cancun , but there are many and they are convenient. You must settle the fare before boarding the taxi otherwise you may be overcharged! Moreover, drivers may or may not know English so you must be careful.

Cars are available on rent and they cost US $60-$80 a day. To rent a car you must be 21 years old and possess a valid license. That being said, it is generally advised that people should avoid renting a car. In Yucatan driving is on the right. Gas stations are difficult to come by. Since buses and taxis are easily available, one may as well avail of their services.

You can even rent scooters and mopeds in the Hotel Zone. They offer you a thrilling and unique kind of experience, but these are dangerous. It is mandatory to wear a helmet while driving scooters and mopeds.

There are many modes to Cancun Travel, but by far, the most popular way is the bus. It is convenient, economical and fast. However, the normal warning for tourists applies here too. One must remember to be careful and alert about personal safety and the safety of your belongings.

All About Cancun Travel Information for Cancun Mexico. Our Cancun Vacations and hotels list provides lodging options for every taste that will surely please the most demanding guests, many hotels feature all-inclusive plans others are boutique luxury hotels for everyone be either jungle tour, maya zip lines, Chichen Itza Tour to horseback riding on the beach.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Spirited Away in Mérida

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From tacos and temples to mariachi bands and chilied mangoes, we learn that in this Mexican city, God is in the details.
colonial-style buildings to restaurant interiors like the one at Pancho’s, where characters from Mexico’s past are proudly displayed on the walls.

Tequila Xtreme Close-up in Guadalajara México

There is no longer much of an argument about whether tequila is a quality spirit and it has earned its spot on the top shelf of bars and liquor cabinets. What's new is that the countryside where blue agave is grown and distilled is now on its way to becoming a full-fledged travel destination. Come along for a taste of the spirit and its home.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

La Quemada Ruins Near Zacatecas

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I spent the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day exploring more of colonial central Mexico with my family. We spent a few days in lovely Zacatecas, which would be the #1 attraction in lesser countries. In Mexico, it receives very few foreign tourists (which is probably why the level of English proficiency at the Quinta Real Zacatecas is about the worst I’ve run across in the whole country.)

Breakfast in Patzcuaro, Mexico

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Doña Paca version of chiliquiles

In Mexico it’s seldom hard to find a good meal, but some of the best places to get breakfast are often restaurants in the top hotels. I spent last weekend visiting Patzcuaro, Mexico, a magical colonial city south of Morelia in Michoacan. My family and I at twice at Hotel Mansion Iturbe and here’s a sampling in photo form.

Don't say hello

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I was sharing a hotel room with 3 friends when I was in Italy. It was a large vacation spot on the bay which had a lot of entwining lanes and people would often ride their bikes or golf cars around.

Me and my friends were following this "couple" - the girl was riding a bike with a basket and the guy was on a scooter (ha-ha!). Over the course of our stay, we periodically would say "hello" to them in foreign accents in which they would ignore us and take off. It was just the same now, us calling after them and them hurrying off in silence, when my friend called out "Hey, I have those shorts. Did you get them from Primark?"
No sooner did she say this than the girl, irritated now, started swerving and fell off her bike, rolling and skidding across the pavement awkwardly. Me and all my friends came to a sudden stop and, almost in unison, drew a great intake of shocked breath before bursting out in laughter.

We tried to bury our faces in the bundles of towels we were holding as we rushed by the crash site where the girl was untangling herself from the bike and the guy was fixing the basket back on. As we hurried past he death-glared us and said in what he thought to be a menacing tone "That'll teach you not to say hello!"

Once we rounded the corner, we fell to the floor and despite how inappropriate it was we started laughing hysterically.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Cooking in Puerto Escondido: Fish and Fruit from Mexico’s Tropics

Two of the biggest buzzwords in today’s media-dominated culinary world are “fresh” and “local,” and on a recent visit to Mexico’s southern Pacific coast, we found the food to be both. Taking advantage of the region’s abundant fresh ingredients, we shopped, cooked and ate our way through the beach town of Puerto Escondido.

A Perfect Margarita-Keep it Pure and Simple

Living in México makes you an expert drinking and thinking about margaritas and tacos — the wildly popular cocktail, perfect for tropical nights and days aren't bad either.

So, I feel it a righteous cause to tell you how to make the perfect margarita, even though commercial interests will try to sell you variations and short cuts that will give you decidedly inferior results.

The philosophy behind a perfect margarita is the same as making a perfect hamburger. Since there are just three ingredients in each case, the choice of what ingredients you use is immensely important. And since there are only three ingredients, unlike other cocktails, you can memorize the recipe if you put your mind to it. Here goes:

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Ten Essential Things to Do When You Visit Mexico

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Ten essential places and things to do when you travel to Mexico you can't miss to do this as this are the best places to travel alone or with company

Las Diez ciudades mas bellas de Mexico

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Aquí te presentamos, las diez ciudades más bellas de México
Desde la Compolita Ciudad de México hasta las enigmatica Capital de Veracruz.

Spring Equinox

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Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox
The equinox is of great significance for many cultures because it marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. Only on this date the sun rises on the equator of the planet, marking exactly the cardinal points: at dawn, the east and at sunset, the west.
In our times, the main world powers design and build solar observatories on Earth and in space to unravel the mysteries of the star around which revolves our system.
Kukulcán-Feathered Serpent God
Kukulcán-Feathered Serpent God
Many ancient cultures used whatever technology they had to understand the relationship between the stars and our planet. The Sun and Venus played a very important role in creating the calendars for the activities related to sow and harvest, and religious holidays according to the natural cycles.
In the Yucatán peninsula, the Mayan civilization invested much time and resources in astronomical and mathematical research, culminating in a legacy of majestic buildings that show the position of different stars on various dates of the year. Such is the case of the archaeological sites ofChichén-Itzá, Dzibilchaltún and Tulum.
This is one of the best known archaeological sites and has been named as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. Here the Temple of Kukulcán was built around the year 1100 AD and was oriented according to detailed studies on the position of the planet in relation to the Sun during the whole year.  This is the reason that through the spring and autumn equinoxes, the shadow of the pyramid’s 9 platforms, creates a projection of 7 reversed triangles in a staircase of the building, which the ancient Mayas interpreted as the arrival or departure of the feathered serpent god. This phenomenon of light and shadow indicated the season for planting and harvesting corn, sustenance of their people.
This archaeological site is located North of Mérida, and also offers a solar show, product of a detailed observation of theMayan civilization. During the equinoxes, the sun disc coincides with one of the windows of the Templo de las Siete Muñecas (Temple of the Seven Dolls), which lights up with the morning glow.
This phenomenon discovered in 1982, shows that the function of the building is that of an astronomical observatory. Also it has been discovered in this building indication that record the apparent declines of the Sun and the Moon, which confirms that the ancient Mayanswere holders of an advanced knowledge of the cycles of nature.
It is located 130 km south of Cancún, and is a true historical and cultural treasure of the Riviera Maya. Zamá, its original name in Mayan language which means dawn, was a walled city on three sides and protected from the sea by a cliff of 12 meters of height, where now stands the emblematic lighthouse which was used in ancient times as a reference point for navigation, port of trade and as a center of astrological studies, especially of the sunrise and sunset. According to the Mayan cosmovision, the planet Venus had as much importance as the Sun, as it emerged from the East at dawn as Ah Chicum Ek and descended as Lamat in the west at dusk.
The Sun rises at the spring equinox exactly behind the building known as El Castillo (The Castle), and it sets the same day exactly on the west exit door of the archaeological site.

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If you have the chance, visit one of these places and become a witness of the amazing knowledge of ancient civilizations.
But if you can’t, this March 20th the North American Aerospace Agency (NASA) will be broadcasting, via internet, various activities related to the 2011 Sun-Earth Day from the archaeological site of Chichén-Itzá. You can check the full program at this internet address: http://sunearthday.nasa.gov
Main archaeological sites in Yucatán
Main archaeological sites in Yucatán

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

The most emblematic theaters in Mexico city

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Find out wich are the most voteed theaters in mexico city and join us in a tour to this historical places where words come to life.